Hana is so green and lush. The vibrant land is helped immensely by the massive amount of rainfall here. This past week’s pizza special Green Machine was a nice encapsulation of that. Especially due to the rainy morning collard green harvest.
The rain was crashing down on my tin roof the night before my land shift. My boots squished as I walked through the muddy trail to the bottom of the hill where I reported for harvest duty. We set off as the gentle morning mist continued. As Farm Manager Kole trimmed the collard green plants of dead leaves, he showed me a bunch of snails attached to the stalk - specifically Giant Africans Snails. We had to rid the plants of the snails and THOROUGHLY wash the greens.
We harvested even more green onions from the farm. Some for the farmers market and some for the pizza special. In fact we cleared the rest of the green onions bed in zone 2. Now its ready for new life.
Green Machine Pizza
Green Onions
Collard Greens
Goat Cheese
Garlic Oil